Friday, November 15, 2019

Ms. Bennett honored as PSEA’s education support professional member of the year award

Colin Keyes and Cooper Hendricks
Staff Writers

New Hope-Solebury High School teacher aid Ms. Maria Bennett has been awarded the Dolores McCracken PSEA - Education Support Professional Member of the Year Award. The award is given to education support professionals (ESP) for various actions that stay true to the practice.
  Ms. Bennett is well known for assisting students in class and aiding teachers in several different ways. She is known for having a caring personality and dedication to help the students at New Hope Solebury High School.
  The education support professional  Member of the Year Award is only given to the very best of ESPs, and it’s obvious to see why Ms. Bennett has been chosen. 
She has been invited to a Pittsburgh convention to address the House of Delegates from the Pennsylvania State Education Association and represent the state of Pennsylvania.
The criteria for this award consists of five categories, professional practice, advocacy and association involvement, community engagement, personal achievement and enhancement of ESP image. All of these are fields and areas in which Ms. Bennett excels in, undoubtedly.