Jackson Cane
Staff Writer
As other countries around the globe are either already partially reopened or are in the process of getting it done sooner than later, America appears divided in terms of how to move forward as “stay-at-home” orders wind down across all 50 states. Many citizens are still uncertain with what to do and this has been captured by much press coverage. Different scenarios have been voiced by President Trump, but ultimately, the decision-making authority rests in the hands of the states, with governors having the finally say.
Pennsylvania has the fifth highest population in the United States, has the sixth highest confirmed cases of COVID-19, and also has the fifth highest number of deaths for COVID-19.
Governor Wolf is in the process of implementing a plan consisting of different phases for counties across the state to reopen.
There are three phases: red, yellow, and green. These three phases indicate different limitations for the citizens, business, and communities within it, with red indicating areas most affected by the virus and green indicating little to no presence of the virus.
The red phase consists of the stay-at-home order Lion’s Tale readers are familiar with, one which is most common throughout Pennsylvania right now with no schooling, no gatherings or non-essential traveling, and limited restaurants, bars, etc. for food/takeout. In essence only life-sustaining businesses are open and travel is limited.
The yellow phase still carries boundaries such as no schooling, only take-out from restaurants and bars, and gatherings of more than 25 people are prohibited. However, the yellow phase permits retail businesses to reopen, stay-at-home orders are gone, and childcare businesses/centers can open. The shift from red to yellow can be life altering for the ones that need it the most like young mothers, shop owners, and people that need to get out.
The green phase has yet to come as it can be seen as a post-pandemic phase in life. In essence, life might feel something like it did on March 11.
As of May 8, 24 counties have moved to the yellow phase being distanced from the main places with the virus. Southeastern Pennsylvania is different due to the persistent presence of the virus. No restrictions have changed for the better as Philadelphia has a lot of cases and test results haven’t eased the situation despite some progress.
Pennsylvania has a state goal of having fewer than 50 new confirmed cases per 100,000 in population, no county has reached that goal yet. It goes to show what is to come in regards to phasing for counties, unless change comes sooner.