John Devaney and Ted Devaney
Staff Writers
The government has told us to stay inside our houses. With all of this time, why are people on their phones? It is a great time to follow up on New Year’s Resolutions to get in shape and just to stay healthy. It’s important for the body and mind to stay active, and we already are doing online school, but many people are missing out on exercise.
Chances are, you may have workout equipment in your home; if not, that’s fine too. There are two types of strength workouts: weightlifting and calisthenics. Calisthenics is all bodyweight workouts while weightlifting uses weights. With enough time invested, you can get results with either one.
It is best to start coming up with goals or have a plan before you get into working out. There are plenty of videos on YouTube on how to do certain exercises and how to execute movements safely. Some YouTubers who help with technique are AthleanX, Larry Wheels, Bradley Martyn, and MattDoesFitness.
Nutrition is just as important because even if you put in the effort, your body needs to fuel itself correctly or you won’t really benefit much at all. There are diet plans combined with workout plans that you can buy for very cheap. There are no free plans that we have seen, but most are around $25. For example, Athleanx’s website will make you fill out a survey of your history of working out and will recommend programs that will fit your skill level. If you’re new to working out, just start at a beginner program, unless you feel ready for a big change in your life.
Again, this is the best time to better yourself. Everyone is stuck at home complaining about being bored, so go do something about it. There are also other health benefits to working out, including reducing stress levels. There has never been a better time than the present.