Friday, October 11, 2013

Lights On!

Maggie Dougherty and Mackenzie Garvin
Staff Writers

The board meeting on Monday, Oct. 7, had students and parents clapping and cheering on their feet when the New Hope-Solebury school board voted to rescind the decision to end night games after this fall season. The auditorium seats were practically filled, many opinions were voiced, and the tensions were high for this issue that so many cared about. The meeting was not only emotional, but informative.
 The board discussed the possible idea of a new stadium field and the budget the school has for such a plan in detail. This was the first article on the agenda, but barely anyone stirred during this consideration. When the issue of whether to take back the rash decision of Sept. 16 to turn off the stadium lights was brought to light, kids and their parents became full of spirit. After the board discussion of these two topics, the floor was opened up to the public, and many people took the opportunity to express their opinion.
 Students of all grades who spoke at the podium were Connor Smith, Kristen Aquaro, Anna Vidakovic, Chloe Verwiel, Andrew Dorsi, Chloe Lemunyan, and Emma Singer, who stated: “By taking away the lights, you would be taking away a huge source of pride and spirit for the students.” These enthusiastic members of the school were all applauded immensely by the crowd for their aplomb and passion. But they were not the only speakers! In fact they were the minority, for many parents and other adults gave their opinions as well.  
 These community members were also very ardent and a few had to be reminded to direct their comments toward the board. However, not all of the speakers spoke on behalf of saving the lights. There were voices from both sides of the argument. Neighbors shared their opinion of how they felt they were not being respected. These unhappy neighbors expressed their feelings on how the lights and sounds of the stadium disrupted their family lives. However, the vote at the end of the meeting was 5 to 2 in favor of rescinding the removal of the lights decision. At least for now, students and adults will continue to enjoy the thrill of a game under the lights.