Lexi Anderson
Bailey Hendricks
Staff Writers
Freshman year: Everyone was there once...and some of us still are. The middle school teachers prepared us for years, everyone talked it up, but what’s this year really like? We asked around and found out how everyone really feels about the class of 2017. From freshmen to seniors, we all have our opinions. Everyone is looking forward to the year to come, whether it be sports or social events, this year is going to be great!
The first day of school was a big day for the freshmen. Besides going to the beach and hanging out with friends, many students spent some time stressing over the year to come. With everything happening, there must have been a lot of emotions and thoughts running through everyone’s heads. On the first day, most of the freshmen said they felt nervous, lost, intimidated, anxious, tired, and even stupid.
“I was nervous and lost because I didn’t know where any of my classes were the first day” said freshman Matt Firth.
Everyone was expecting the day to go a lot worse than it did, one major change between the middle school and the high school is that the classes are completely different. The curriculum’s different and all the teacher’s are people you’ve never met. According to the new freshmen, the classes are good, but a lot more difficult than expected. The teachers are also a lot better.
“The teachers are really nice, they don’t stress you out.” said freshman Heather Borochaner. Some of the classes are stressful, but they’re a nice change from the classes in middle school in the way that we’re studying more interesting topics and the classes are taken more seriously.
Freshman Cassidy Smith says “I feel intimidated and small around them.”The upperclassman are always a reason to feel nervous in the high school. They’re a lot older than freshmen and there are so many of them. This is why many of the freshmen said they didn’t associate themselves with any of the upperclassman yet, and they don’t intend on doing so. The only way freshmen have made friends with them has been through sports and after school activities.
One of the drags about high school is the amount of homework and classwork. There’s such a big change from middle school that’s almost overwhelming. The students said that there is definitely more homework this year. It’s a lot to handle with sports, it’s bothersome and there’s too much at one time. Although the students don’t like the amount of homework, it is helping them understand the material in class more. Freshman Victoria Kalinovich has a more positive look on things, “All the homework is pretty relevant. There’s more but it serves its purpose and helps me do good on tests.”
The freshmen have been in the middle school for three years! Entering the high school is a lot to adjust to. The freshmen said that the high school is much better. You aren’t treated like children and there’s a lot more freedom. Also the teachers aren’t on your case about everything you do. “I like high school better, there’s more freedom and in general everything’s better.” says freshman Hannah Reszka.
Finally, we wanted to know what the freshmen are looking forward to this year. There’s so many more events to partake in and people to meet! The freshmen said they’re all looking forward to homecoming, especially the dance. They’re also hoping to make some new friends and to get involved with clubs. Besides homecoming, freshman Elizabeth Both says “I’m looking forward to see how I will change over the course of four years.”
Of course the Freshman know the freshman, but what about the upperclassmen? From sophomores to seniors we got some very different answers.
When asked how they feel about the new freshman we got everything from “annoying” from the sophomore guys to one of the most popular answers “ We don’t really know them, but they seem very nice.” from Arian Behpour. So, freshman get out there and get involved. Let everybody know who the Class of 2017 is!
With one of the biggest grades in New Hope history, there is lots to look forward to. If you haven't seen them on the field, the freshman girls are bringing a lot to the soccer field. Another one to keep an eye out for is the freshman girls coming to the basketball courts this winter. According to the sophomores and juniors the freshman girls will be a big boost to both teams! (Freshman Guys, where are you?)
What would we do without a little more advice to top of everything we’ve gotten so far? Freshman, listen up because the upperclassmen have some good stuff: Stay on everyone’s good side; don't make any enemies; do all the homework; keep your head up, and according to Aaron Nagg the most important thing to remember is to “Ignore all distractions, especially pressure concerning doing drugs and alcohol.”
So this is where it all starts for us, The Class of 2017!