The National Dog Show took place on Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving day), awarding a Whippet
named Whiskey, Best in Show. The show, run by the American Kennel Club,
featured thousands of dogs from across the nation and five international
entries. 185 breeds were represented including the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
and Nederlandse Kooikerhondje which were featured for the first time. The dog
show has seven groups with the Whippet winning the Hound Group, Doberman
Pinscher for the Working, Pembroke Welsh Corgi for Herding, Chesapeake Bay
Retriever for Sporting, Lhasa Apso for Non-Sporting, Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel for Toy, and the Wire Fox Terrier for the Terrier Group.
Whiskey’s handler said to NBC that “[he’s] an outstanding example of what the ideal
Whippet would look like.” Whiskey beat Doberman Pinscher, Irupe, for the first
place ribbon. This is his 20th Best in Show. “First and foremost he is our
companion and pet,” the handler’s wife says. “We love him.”