Features Editor
Feb. 28- During the heart of Spirit Week in the NHS auditorium, Mr. Achenbach entertained both the Blue and Gold teams with his comical debut as host of the Family Feud.
Family Feud is a game show where there are four students from both teams competing to win points by answering rounds of questions whose answers were provided by the faculty. Each Family Feud team represents the rest of the Blue or Gold team to earn Spirit Week points. This year, teams rotated every two rounds, and were replaced with different teams to increase participation. Participants were required to keep their phones on the table face down to prevent cheating. Each round was worth 1 point, the overall award was 50 points, and the Blue team won Family Feud.
With his sharp wit, organization, and jocular personality, Mr. Achenbach was the perfect host for Family Feud, outdoing Richard Dawson. He has the originality that a comedic game show requires. His jokes weren’t unprofessional or obnoxious. The show mirrored Mr. Achenbach, and was a perfect treat that left you wanting more. It was an awesome show to add for Spirit Week, and will be in high demand for a long time.