Eric Locke
Staff Writer
The social media war between Trump and North Korea would escalate at some point but now the tensions have risen and North Korea says that Trumps latest tweets has enticed North Korea to say that they can legally shoot down U.S. Bombers
According to the foreign minister Trump has issued a, “clear declaration of war.”
In response to this a Pentagon spokesman said according to npr, "If North Korea does not stop their provocative actions, you know, we will make sure that we provide options to the president to deal with North Korea."
Over the past weekend, the U.S. sent out Warplanes into international airspace just east off North Korea. As East Asia sees it, the U.S. has not declared war on North Korea and is still seeking to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
This is not the first time North Korea has shot down U.S. bombers. In 1969 a Navy plane was shot by North Korean MiGs and all 31 passengers on board the plane died.
Many believe that North Korea stands no chance against America because their missiles and planes are as old as the 1950s and they got them from the Soviet Union.
Speaking at the United Nations, President Trump also said that he would be left with no choice but to “totally destroy North Korea.” If it’s forced to defend itself or its allies.
Force is needed if North Korea takes action; however, the full denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is necessary so nuclear threats are then avoided.