Tara Cooney and Devon Beacham
Staff Writers
The 2017 New Hope-Solebury Ski Club Trip was a success! Students departed from the school at 3:15 p.m. on Friday. After several hours on the bus, the group stopped at a rest stop for a quick snack and a much needed stretch of the legs. In a half hour, everybody was back on the bus and on the way to Vermont. At about 9 p.m., the New Hope buses pulled into the Holiday Inn in Rutland. Before bed, some students opted to take a quick swim in the pool. After lights out at 11 p.m., the students passed out, getting their rest for the big day of skiing ahead.
Once the group arrived at Killington Mountain the next morning, everybody was pumped and ready for the day. At first conditions were rough. There was an immense amount of fog, and the warm weather caused quite a bit of slush. As the day progressed, however, the fog cleared for a very successful day of skiing. The group retreated back to the hotel, where some students swam while others played cards and poker. After dinner the students continued to hang out and have fun. Once again, lights out at 11 p.m. to prepare for the second day of skiing.
At the mountain the next morning, the weather was colder, and the ground had hardened from the day before. With the exception of a couple icy patches, it was a beautiful day for skiing with great conditions. At 2:15 p.m., the bus pulled out of the Killington Mountain parking lot for the last time, and the students began the six hour drive back to New Hope. After a quick refresh at a rest stop halfway through the drive, the group arrived at the school at about 8:45 p.m. Everybody rushed to grab their stuff and get home, making sure to thank the chaperones for such a fun trip.
MacKenzie Meyers, a freshman that attended the ski trip said: “The conditions weren’t very good, but I had a ton of fun with my friends. It was a great time. I’m really happy I went and will definitely be going again next year!”
The weekend of skiing was an amazing experience for everybody involved, and the students were very glad to have gone.