Jessica Zimmerman, Toni Suler, and Paige Giuliani
Staff Writers
Monday, September 28th (Theme: Life Savers - Life Guards)
Tuesday, September 29th (Theme: Twix - Twins)
3:45 pm Girls Varsity Soccer Game vs. Phil-Mont Christian
7:00 pm Boys Varsity Soccer Game vs. Lower Moreland
Wednesday, September 30th (Theme: Jolly Ranchers - Cowboys)
3:45 pm Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Springfield
Thursday, October 1st (Theme: Nerds)
3:45 pm Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Lower Moreland
6:30 pm Girls Varsity Volleyball Game vs. Souderton
7:00 pm Boys Varsity Soccer Game vs. Christopher Dock
Friday, October 2nd (Theme: Butterfingers/Spirit Day - Team Uniforms/Blue+Gold Attire)
10:50 - 11:45 am Picnic by National Honor Society
4:00 pm Boys Varsity Soccer Game vs. Palisades High School
4:45 pm Girls Varsity Volleyball Game vs. Abington
7:00 pm Boys Football Game vs. Bristol
Saturday, October 3rd
1:00 - 4:00 pm Volleyball Tournament and Fall Festival
7:00 - 10:00 pm Homecoming Dance
*Picnic by National Honor Society
The picnic sponsored by National Honor Society will allow students to participate in various games such as Can Jam and Win, Lose, Draw. Students can win prizes such as t-shirts and sunglasses. Also, a stand will be set up for chilled apple cider and donuts.
*Fall Festival
The fall festival occurs right after the Volleyball tournament on the day of Homecoming. Clubs will set up stations where students can play games, win prizes, and buy goodies. All proceeds go to the individual clubs and help pay for the many events each club holds.