Staff Writer
Homecoming weekend this year will be the week of Oct. 13. It will feature an athletic game every night during the school week including a football game that Friday where the homecoming court will be announced, followed by Fall Fest and the homecoming dance on Saturday Oct. 18.
However, this year New Hope Solebury is moving away from tradition. The annual homecoming parade typically scheduled on the Saturday of homecoming weekend has been canceled. The parade incorporated all fall and winter sports. Each team walked with a banner that represented their team throughout downtown New Hope. Due to the school’s lack of funds for the parade, not enough police were able to be hired to run security/directing traffic when they shut down roads which came to a cost of $1600. Without this, the parade would not be able to run smoothly.
“The annual Friday night fireworks that typically took place during the summer were cancelled this year. The fireworks profit helped aid our funding for homecoming and without that money the school was forced to cut back,” said by Junior class president Anna Sirianni. Students worked the parking lot during the Friday night fireworks and collected a parking fee of ten dollars. This money was used to fund the homecoming parade.
In place of the homecoming parade there will be the Fall Fest from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. which is a festival filled with games that are run by the individual fall/winter sport teams. During the festival there will also be a Volleyball tournament which will raise money for prom.
This change will allow athletic teams a chance to interact with the community and raise money for their team. Hope to see everyone there!