Friday, May 16, 2014

Dollar Donut Day Draws Crowds

Anna Sirianni
Staff Writer

Every Wednesday, the student government of the sophomore class sells donuts outside of the library at 2:30. Profits benefit the sophomore class’ fund, which can be used for Prom 2015 or any other Class of 2016 expenses.
 These popular treats are purchased during 7th period by tenth grade advisor, Mr. Achenbach. Achenbach buys these from either Giant or Dunkin’ Donuts, and they are sold for $1.
 Business is booming for sophomore officers, and donuts sell out most Wednesdays. Nearly six dozen donuts are enjoyed weekly. Bottles of water are also sold for $1.
 For any tenth grade students eager to get involved, the sophomore class officers welcome helpers every Wednesday to sell donuts.
 Donuts are sold in many varieties, including glazed, cream-filled, jelly, chocolate, or strawberry iced.

 Powering through the middle of the week can be difficult, and many customers find that a donut is the perfect sweet treat to motivate themselves again.