Staff Writer
On October 16, 2013 the New Hope Solebury Freshmen class visited the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to learn more about future career options and how they can start to pursue them. The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology or MBIT is an institute for high school students that provides professional experience for all sorts of professions students may want to pursue in the future.
There are several areas of study available at MBIT. Some of these include Commercial Art & Design, Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, Health Sciences, and many more. When the freshmen visited MBIT, they were given thorough tours of our ideal program. The teachers and students were all very professional and took learning very seriously. The MBIT program is provided for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students enrolled in MBIT are at their high school learning their critical material for one half of the day, and studying at MBIT for the other half.
What are the benefits of MBIT? Is it worth being taken out of school for? For some, the answer is no, but for others, there is a lot to be gained. MBIT provides substantial experience that will help students grow and learn in their desired field of work. Because so much intricate, hands-on material is taught, it is likely that students enrolled at MBIT don’t have to attend college, and can find a job straight out of high school. If you are planning on attending college, MBIT provides college credits for several schools such as Bucks County Community College.
Many students want to focus strictly on high school academics and worry about career experience as they get older. Freshman Heather Borochaner thought the field trip was great. “It was good, I plan on going there.” Another freshman, Erin Gouris, had a similar opinion “It was interesting. I liked seeing the different jobs we can take up.” The field trip opened our students eyes to some of the future careers they can pursue and how they can start to do them.