Maryna Chuma
Junior Council President
Junior Council is looking for new members! Junior Council is a group of students from the New Hope Borough who are working alongside the Borough Council to bring about change in the community. The current council has decided to take on environmental change in the borough and have established committees focusing on recycling, eco-friendly transportation, and a junior shade tree committee. We are currently drafting an ordinance, eliminating single use plastic products in the borough that hopefully will pass this summer.
We are losing a few members due to graduating seniors, and are looking for new members to take their places and help make a difference in the community. We are looking for dedicated high school students who are interested in local government practices, environmental science, or anyone wanting to make a difference in the community. The group meets at lunch during the week and once a month outside of school for our community meeting. Aside from passionate and excited students, we are looking for students who can meet such time commitments to the group.
There are three spots available on Junior Council next year. If students are interested, please have them email me at I will forward them an application. After completing the application, we ask that students attend the June community meeting on June 11 at 6:00 to complete the interview section of the application. Applicants will be interviewed by current members of the Borough Council and student members of Junior Council and will be asked these questions as they were asked on the application. However, if someone is interested in working with Junior Council and does not want to apply for a position on the council, there are unlimited spots on the Advisory Committee, which is a group of students from the community working with the council.
Also, we invite you to join us at our Junior Council meetings. They are held every third Tuesday at 6:00, however, next month's meeting will be 6:00 on Tuesday, June 11. The meetings are held at 123 New Street, New Hope, PA 18938.