Owen Roberts
Staff Writer
The Trump-Russia connection seems to keep getting more complicated. On Tuesday, FBI director James Comey testified in front of congress and the intelligence committee about the alleged ties between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Although in November many criticized Comey for supposedly handing the election to Trump by the timing of his email announcements, he continues to be disruptive to both parties. In his hearing, Comey refuted President Trumps wiretapping claims, saying that “[he had] no information that supports those tweets,"
He testified extensively on the Russian Connection, saying that the FBI was actively investigating the scandal. Vladimir Putin had a clear favorite, according to Comey: “It wasn't Hillary Clinton.” Furthermore, Comey said: “He -- Putin -- hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.”
Democrats and Republicans at the hearing both tried to change the direction of the hearing. While Democrats wanted to hear more about the Russian connection, Republicans were more interested in where the leaks about former National Security Advisor Flynn came from.
Representative Trey Gowdy attempted to discover who was behind the leaks by asking Comey if several Obama-Era officials would have had access to the top secret information. The FBI director confirmed that they might have, but he was unable to comment any further.
The Comey hearing confirmed important information about the case, but even with the testimony of one of the top intelligence officials, the firestorm in Washington continues to grow. Partisanship is at an all time high in America and these hearings feed the flames of the Trump presidency.